Battlefield of being a single parent in the Czech Republic
“Family is a Society of close people who wants to care about each others” this it the way Halka Jaklovà, single mother since 13 years, defines families. One-parent-families have got a common thing in the Czech Republic, because more than half of the marriages end in divorce. In addition, out of all the single parents 87% are women and these are facing different challenges. Halka Jaklovà is giving an insight in her life and the challenges she faces as a single mother. Moreover, she is talking about her job as an expert for single mothers in Aperio, an organisation for Healthy parenting Association and what they do to support one-parent families.
In Czech Republic being a single parent is considered as a challenging obligation to do. They have to deal with social and financial problems. Ever since, more than 87% single parents are female. Therefore, the issues of one-parent families is meeting mostly women. Due to a study of Social Watch single mothers have a financial disadvantage, because in Czech Republic two pay-checks are necessary to finance a family with children.

This also happened in Halka’s family. In the beginning of her journey, she found it hard to raising her children by herself. As it is said by her “When I started to be a single mother, no ones cares about it.” In fact, she does not get any help from the government or any NGOs at that time. The government itself only give a guarantee until the children is four years old. Halka has to work by herself while taking care of her children. Because of a lack of organisation it was Halkà who brought the topic of single mothers by herself into Aperio later o
In addition, Social Watch tells that Czech single mothers are active in economic, which means that they are more often active in business or employed than mothers with a partner. However, there is a risk of unemployment and a risk of poverty. Ever since they have to do different roles in their life, such as being a mother or father for their grown up children while being a worker in the society. The burden of being a single mother is something that have not heard by the government. While the number of single mother increasing every year, there is nothing to ensure they get decent life with their children. Not only the financial problem, but also majority of them are exposed to material deprivation more than other type of family and the victim of social inclusion.
Fortunately, this is not happening to Halka. When it comes to being a single mother in that time, she has been working in Aperio. She did not have a trouble in finding any job also get a compensation from the NGO to work flexibly at home to take care of her children. On the other hand, Halka admitted that this fact mostly faced by single parents. Many of her client are dealing with the lower paid job for working in the company. “Lot of single parents are taking on lower paid job on which is not complementary with their education and their experience, just because they want something which they can combine work and children.” As a result, many of them faces financial problem that cause psychological pressure. Therefore, she wishes more flexibility from companies for single-parents as like as she gets from her employer Aperio.
Nowadays, the NGO itself designed a programme to help single parents and also consultation service. They offer them legal and psychological consulting and coaching, educational courses, self helping group (organisation), they are making lobbying, also concerning laws which are touching single parents. Moreover this programmes are well designed for free ever since most of single parents are dealing with lack of money. Another campaign of Aperio is one with the title “the agreement is they way” This is also part of the message Halka want to spread: “try to get an agreement and don’t forget that the father of your children was your partner and that you usually saw some nice things on him when you got children together and don’t forget about the children.”
Alina Jud & Natania Winoto